A recurring character on the show and now roving reporter, Andre aka Dictator for Life [yo!] aka Owner_Operator, generously let me gank his recap of the
Montreal Fetish Weekend. Here it is edited for length:
So after a long and arduous week, the pet and I got away to the great white north for a much needed escape from reality. Montreal's Fetish Weekend could not have come at a better time and I was determined to rock out and enjoy myself to the fullest. In a rented Mercury Grand Marquis (a more appropriate model of vehicle I couldn't imagine) Jess, The Baroness and I tore ass out of NYC last Thursday afternoon and headed to Montreal... only to get stuck in traffic for almost two hours just outside of the George Washington Bridge as I missed the exit for The Palisades and had to loop back on the Garden State. So some 7+ hours, 300+ miles and the worst dinner this side of the Mississippi later we hit the Canadian border and customs. Now I had heard all sorts of strange stories from other pervs who had been traveling to fetish events back and forth across the border, many of which had me pretty worried that I'd lose some of my precious gear. Well thankfully the customs guys didn't do any more than ask us where we're going and for how long in his French accent. Maybe it was my lovely passengers or my ridiculously Jewish last name, I don't know but I did snicker a bit when he asked me, "do you have any weapons in the car?"Well so it seemed we left the whip, the electro toys and the vibrators home for nothing.
So we pulled into Montreal around 10:30 PM and the first person we see as turned on Boul. de Maisonneuve and approached the hotel, Auberge Le Pomerol, was Mistress Xena crossing the street to go grab a bite. So cool to see a friendly face right off of the bat! So up to the room to freshen up and over to the The Baroness room, where Poindexter had prepared quite a lovely spread for her arrival: Champagne, cheese, fruit, chocolates, the works. Now that's service! With belly's full, and weary heads to drifted off to bed with visions of latex and late nights ahead.
Saturday morning I woke up early as usual. In the hotel restaurant downstairs, I ran into a bloke who calls himself Observer that I know from around the kinky interweb. I've chatted with him online for quite a while now and we share an interest all types of geeky things aside from rubber gear and bizarre sexual practices. Nice to put a face to the syntax. The three of us headed over to the big Polymorphe flagship shop at Sexe Cite to go check out some sex toys and latex and hopefully not spend too much money. A really nicely laid out shop, with a good amount of space and tons of latex upstairs, we immediately felt intoxicated by that sexy, rubbery scent. Didn't buy too much there, just a skirt, thong and gloves for the pet and a pair of gloves for myself. While I think Polymorphe's quality is probably unparalleled (which owes a lot to Mario making his own latex from scratch!), I think the designs are a little on the plain side for me and nothing all that spectacularly mindblowing like some of my favorite designers Marquis or HW Designs [and Betty LaBamba! -GM]. I find the mens line particularly lacking, but most latex designers really don't make much in the way of mens gear for that matter.
Off to Club Sin at Cleopatra for the opening night party/meet and greet. The pet looked absolutely stunning in her white Jane Doe bustier and skirt with waist cincher and matching hot.The coup de grace of the outfit however was the amazing latex "feather" boa that Heidi of the newly formed Strange Lifeforms made custom for Jess and shipped directly to our hotel. What a sensational piece and a real attention getter! The door girl was so enamored with it, I didn't think we'd get it back when we let her try it on. Here's the group of us as we headed out to the party. For a better photo of Jess' outfit, peep my photo page.
While the venue was a bit small for the number or people (as Xena said, it definately looked oversold), the music was good, the booze flowed freely and the company was fantastic. We ran into a whole bunch of people we knew from NY and we all sort of huddled together, catching up, making plans for the weekend and just shooting the shit. I did finally get to meet Steffy The Rubberdoll in the flesh (or should I say rubber), and she was quite a site to behold and a real pleasure to be around. Unfortunately the loud music and heavy mask she wears doesn't lend much to making conversation. The music was a nice mix of techno, industrial, new wave, old punk and other stuff and my favorite of the three nights. The party was hosted by Bianca Beauchamp, who looks great in latex, has a beautiful smile and doesn't speak much English. Thankfully Jess and I met a woman kind enough to translate her disseration to us. The speech interested me little, but the translator (her name was Mite, pronounced Mighty) had a fantastic outfit on that involved a white latex leotard, matching stockings and blue plastic, corrogated tubes that extended from different ports around her body like some 50's Sci-Fi alien. Pair it with blue hair and a blue latex backpack (!) and hers was one of the best outfits I saw all weekend. Too bad I didn't take any photos of her . The close of the party saw the Pomerol crew role back to the hotel for a little drunken after party vacbed fun! YAAAAAAAA!!! Vacbeds fucking rule! How awesome it is to be frozen like Han Solo in carbonite or have your friends and lovers stuck like that while you play all sorts of fun games with them. So hot! Observer and Erik were vacbed virgins and it's always cool to see how people react to crazy shit like that the first time. Apparently the enjoyed themselves quite a bit. I love it too and with Jess messing with me all over, from my head to my toes, I was pretty turned on despite being about drunk and tired enough to pass out.The weekend was already becoming a blur or good eats, tall drinks and lovely latex. I was really surprised at how French Montreal is. I figured that things would pretty much be in both French and English, but was shocked when all the road signs were in French alone. Many of the people my age and younger don't even speak English. Weird. Not to be some dort of an Anglophile, but you'd think they'd take up the language of The Empire. When not falling on their faces and begging for change in strange tongues, the people in Montreal are pretty friendly for the most part, at least the kinky ones are. I had some interesting conversations in broken English with a few people at the Club Sin party. A very tall girl with closely cropped hair (Jeannie, Janie?) absolutely loved my goggles and begged me (literally) to borrow them. It was pretty hot to have some strange, scantily clad Quebecua begging me to do anything! The conversation somehow veered towards video games as she told me that she was studying to be a 3D animator. Some dude who thankfully spoke English and I talked about metal for a while, commenting that Celtic Frost was coming around to play. He rattled off a litany of death metal, black metal and grindcore bands who's names I had never heard of before. Boy, I'm getting old...
After an afternoon spent wandering around downtown Montreal we were off to the NorthboundLeather shop for a cocktail party, hosted by an internet pal of mine named Isabeau. Her shop was really fantatic, with an nice stock of mostly leather gear, but a lot of latex too. She, Sebastian and the rest of the crew were fantastic hosts and she served up a great drink - the green tea martini, which I had never had before. Latextacy party. This party was my favorite of the three events, as it was located in a very large, old, art deco theatre. The space provided plenty of room to dance, schmooze, play or whatever else one might do at such an event. The music however, left a little to be desired, just the blaring thump of hardcore techno - over and over and over. Combined with the vodka and beer that I was downing and it started to make my belly ache! Jess looked fantastic in her military top from The Baroness and I looked smashing as usual in my custom doctor's outfit. This party featured some really fun shows, including a shibari (Japanese rope bondage) demonstration by Amrita and Master Luk that was executed beautifully. Amrita is wickedly lovely with a suitably evil grin for someone who tortures people for a living. What impressed me most about her was her speed at tying her subject up. Obviously she's a pro and loves what she does. I liked Master Luk's style too. He was rocking a heavy black rubber apron, heavy black gloves and two meathooks (!). A man after my own heart.
The Polymorphe fashion show was fantastic and went off without a hitch, impressive since Eric (the fest's coordinator) later told me that they only had 300 sq ft backstage for about 30 people to get dressed and ready! Highlights included Jean Bardot (aka Rubberella) pony play act, where she looked stunning in an English riding outfit and engaged in bizarities with a girl in a pony mask and another in a sort of Louise XIV dress.
The show was capped by a very cute skit involving rubber cats and mice, including one that was probably the biggest dude I've ever seen in latex! Fucking frightening!
There were a couple of other shows that it seemed I missed, including one involving a catsuited strip tease and Rubberella doing all sorts of nastyness in the VIP area. The VIP section (we had VIP passes) was pretty disappointing. Simply a very hot room that had it's own bar and offerred a few shows, none of which I caught since I couldn't bare the heat. The VIP area should have been up on the balcony, since that was the most comfortable area and it provided the best view of the shows on stage. I did get a chance to talk with Ted more than I ever had before and we joked about the pitfalls of threesomes, told travel stories and just generally bonded around guy stuff.
Eventually the night devolved into Xena beating Jess with my cane as I held her down and delivered a few spanks myself. Pretty hot stuff! Jess wasn't in much of a mood to be beaten, but took it like a champ and her screams echoed through the club and probably all the way back to NYC. Ted, Di, Jess and I shared a tiny (man those Montreal cabs are small!) cab back to our hotels and called it a night
Sunday afternoon found our posse walking around the touristy, yet beautiful old city, amidst the cobblestones and cathedrals. With The Baroness and I craving duck products, we lunched at an outdoor restaurant near the seaport. Just a lovely afternoon in spite of the deary weather. How could I ask for more when I have the girl that I love by my side, good friends, good wine and a plate of foi gras in front of my amongst other delicious treats.
There were a lot of really cool outfits at this party, including a guy wearing what could only be described as a suit of armor with a gasmask helmet. He had all types of tubes running all over him him, making him look like some wicked battledroid or some such sci-fi nightmare. I so wish I had photos of him, but I was too busy drinking and schmoozing with him and his mistress. Another one of my favorite outfits of the night was worn by the lovely Slinka, a black rubber shrug and seamlessly blended into a neck corset that came up over her mouth. Just beautiful, and another one that I wish I caught a photo of. Observer introduced me to Miss Bardot, who was disappointed when I told her that the performance upstairs was closed due to the filming. Friendly and congenile, I'm sure they could have made an exception for her had we inquired! The setting was a bit too small for the big crowd and really didn't provide much room to get down and dirty, so we headed upstairs to a private room and had our own party up there. Xena, Steffy and my pet put on quite a show in there, with the action being broadcast on a giant screen downstairs in the club. Unfortunately, much of the action was lost due to some retard cutting back and forth to images from Hellraiser and other horror stuff, instead of just staying with the action upstairs. I watched with Erik and Obs, beaming in delight as it was my girl up there on the screen, caught in that beautiful latex sheeth. After a little bit, our crew stormed the room to join the fray. Xena came out to greet us, but unwittingly locked us all out with Jess in the vacbed and Steffy mummified in plastic wrap! Fortunately Steffy saved the day, managing to hop (pun intended) over to the door and unlock it with her bound hands. We had a beautiful time in there, me playing with Jess as the party thumped around us. Tim from SkinTwo was in there and The Baroness introduced us as he shot photos of Jess in her blue latex trap. Nice guy and a real latex lover, it'd be really neat to find some photos of us in the next issue.
Dante and Erik joined in on the rubbery madness and we just laughed the night away up there. After the party, Jess, Xena, Erik and I went out for some late night eats dressed in our full rubber gear. Wisely, we picked a coffee shop in the Gay Village area, where we wouldn't get hassled for looking like aliens. It was really fun to eat poutin and recap the night dressed as we were with hoods and all. Even with the quite liberal crowd we garnered more than a few stares. I heard one person say to another, "Welcome to Montreal!" If Montreal is this accepting of bizarre behavior, I don't want to leave! Erik cracks me up with his thick Teutnonic intonation, singing Prince and making it sound like Laibach! A perfect cap to our weekend, we hit the hay with bellys full and spirits light with all the many wonderful memories of our adventure.
So the weekend was a scintillating success and we'll be sure to return to Montreal for the next years party. It was so great to hang hard with the people we knew from NY, as well as new friends from around the globe, many of which I have known from Rubberpal and other kinky websites. The parties were fun, but it's really the company we kept that make the memories special. It's hard to get back to "normal life" after such great times and we've sufferred a bit of a hangover moral wise, but alas life goes on. Things must get back to normal, work to be done, bills to be paid, etc. Luckily, I have the love of my life to share my passions for weirdness and kink with and that's the most wonderful thing of all.As Porky Pig once said, "that's all folks!"