|R| The Rubber Betty Blog: All things rubber, latex, and beyond, from rubber pop culture to latex care tips with a shiny dose of whatever for good measure. |R|
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Atomage Cape Pic
Since I'm still sick and feeling mentally incoherent [see my last rambling post], here's a pic from Atomage Bondage Supplement No.5. There's no publishing date anywhere on the mag, but it's probably from the mid 70's.
So who writes this crap anyway? I'm Geena Maree, designer of the best latex clothing label you never heard of, Betty LaBamba, a latex fashion consultant, a photography and film student, and an all-around anxious artist/dilettante/flaneur. My favorite color is shiny and I like dogs, pirates, zombies, sarcasm, cool old stuff, and port wine. Email is bettylabamba-at-hotmail-dot-com.
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