I brought a few gifts for my binary entourage. As I was going through the random piles of six years of magazine clippings, I found quite a bit of decent imagery to scan and share. Not only that, I have a proverbial crapload of clippings and whatnots my international rubber friends were so kind to send me. I also bought a new and better scanner that is much faster than my old one!
Please click on the images to view the full-sized version. You will be re-directed to my flickr holding tank where you can also browse my photostream. Click on the button above the picture called "all sizes" then choose the size you want to view.
First up is an advert for Nars make up photographed by Guy Bourdin which features a touch of rubber mac and red lips drenched in rain. If you enjoy Helmut Newton, you will definately appreciate M. Bourdin.

Next is a random tearsheet from Zink magazine. By random I mean random: I have no idea what year or month it's from. By the way, what happend to Zink? I can't find a newsstand in the NYC area that carries it. Maybe I should "fuckingoogleit."

Last for today's episode, we have a dom flyer sent to me by a friend. Thanks, Gary!